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Zoë Soon
(She, Her, Hers)Associate Professor of Teaching
Office: SCI 158Office Hours: Feel free to contact by email to set up an appointment
Phone: 250.807.9400 (email is preferred)
Email: zoeanne.soon@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; Research in Innovative Teaching Strategies designed for Higher Education
Courses & Teaching
Anatomy and Physiology, Lifespan Motor Growth and Development; Pathophysiology
Post-Secondary Education:
B.Ed. STEP, University of British Columbia Okanagan
NSERC Post-doctoral Fellowship (MDS-SCIEX)
Ph.D. Biology (Thesis topic: Cardiac and Skeletal Myogenesis), York University, Toronto, ON
M.Sc. Biochemistry, Genetics (Thesis topic: Neurogenesis), University of Sussex, UK
Honours B.Sc. Biochemistry, (Thesis topic: Rhodopsin
Research Interests & Projects
Educational Leadership and Current Pedagogical Research:
My current research focuses on developing and implementing innovative educational tools that are designed to enhance student learning, engagement, and mastery of course content. I currently supervise 1-2 research students per term (Term 1 and Term 2). Feel free to contact me if you are interested in finding out about upcoming research projects in my educational leadership and research program.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Conference Presentations:
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Workshop, HAPS Conference, Univ. of Portland, OR (2019)
- Universitas 21 Health Sciences Conference Workshop, Knowledge and Skills for Research’ to Health Sciences students: Sharing International Experience and Best Practice Workshop (2018)
- Creating an Inclusive Environment – Listening to Student Voices, HAPS Conference, Ohio State Univ., OH (2018)
- Move more! Sit Less! Action Ideas for a Large Classroom, HAPS Conference, Ohio State Univ., OH (2018)
- Lecture Capture Technology – a helpful resource for students?, HAPS Conference, Salt Lake City, UT (2017)
- Involve Me and I Learn! Gauging students reactions to hand-held electronic device use inside and outside of class, compared to paper activities and group tutorials, HAPS Conference, Atlanta, GA (2016)
- Pathophysiology Models: I’ll never forget the first time I saw you!, HAPS Conference, Atlanta, GA (2016)
- Engaging and Evaluating Students: Time to Have Fun with SOTL (Scholarship of Teaching Learning and Research)!, UBCO Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Kelowna, BC (2016)
- Lights! Camera! Action! Gauging Student Reaction to Hands-on-Histology Activities with Microscope Camera and Projection System, HAPS Conference, San Antonio, TX (2015)
- SOTL: Teaching 1st year anatomy & physiology: Which strategy works better? Clay modeling, plastic models, case studies, or TBL, UBCO Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Kelowna, BC (2014)
- Modified TBL (Team-Based Learning) activities enhanced student engagement, led to improved marks, and benefited all types of learners (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) equally, with low-scoring students showing the biggest gains., HAPS Conference, Jacksonville, FL (2014)
Recent Publications:
- Soon, Z.A., Lauridsen, M. “The Benefits of Multimodal Interactive Case Studies”. HAPS Educator 25(2), 53-76, Sept. 2021.
- Soon, Z.A., Hurren H. (2018). Lecture Capture Technology (LCT): Following some rules and breaking others. The advantages, perks, and pitfalls of LCT implementation in large anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology classrooms”. HAPS Educator 22(1), 5-24.
- Soon, Z.A., Robles, M., McKeown, S., Hurren, H. (2017). Introducing pathophysiology models into a large lecture hall: Investigation of the effectiveness of guided inquiries involving movement outside the classroom and independent learning.” HAPS Educator. 21(2), 106-111.
- Soon, Z (2016). Update Seminar I: Using Gaze Tracking to Document Learning. HAPS Educator, 20(3), 13-16.
- Soon, Z (2016). Update Seminar II, Human Skin as a Model Circulation for Examining Mechanisms of Macrovascular Dysfunction. HAPS Educator, 20(30), 19-21.
- Soon, Z. A., Carlson, K., Neo, N. N. (2015) “Learning muscles in first year: An assessment of active, experiential and passive learning activities.” HAPS Educator, 20(1), 19-38.
- Soon, Z (2015). Update Seminar I: Visualization and the College Anatomy and Physiology Student: How Instructional Practice Can Support Learning. HAPS Educator, 19(3), 55.
- Soon, Z (2015). “Express it and guess it”. A word game to review anatomy and physiology terms. HAPS Educator, 19(3), 71.
- Soon, Z (2015). “In-Class Activities and Strategies for the Flipped Classroom”. HAPS Educator, 19(3), 72.
Selected Grants & Awards
Teaching Awards:
2022-24 UBCO Aspire 2040 Learning Transformation (ALT2040) Program and Learning Experience Enhancement (PLEE) Fund
2022-24 UBCO Curricular Teaching Innovation Grant Fund
2020 UBC Teaching Excellence and Innovation Award
2020 HAPS Full-Time Faculty Travel Award
2017-2018 U21 International Teaching Excellence Award
2016-2017 UBC Teaching Honour Roll – awarded in May, 2018
2015-2017 Recipient of two Teaching Innovation Awards
2015 HAPS (Human Anatomy and Physiology Society) Initiative Scholarship
2015 UBC Teaching Honour Roll – awarded in May, 2016
2014 UBC Teaching Honour Roll – awarded in May, 2015
2014-2016 Recipient of two Teaching Innovation Awards
2014-2015 UBC Green Fund Award for Undergraduate Teaching Labs